We are loving. We are outward focused. We are all about the Great Commission.

If we've been changed by the love of Christ, there should be new desires that prompt us to serve just like our Savior Jesus. In response to the Gospel, it only makes sense to serve God in His Kingdom.

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and give His life… Matthew 20:28

One way you can serve, is by volunteering with our many different ministries.

If you are interested in serving on one of these teams, please scroll down and click the link provided in the section which the ministry you are interested in is located. 


The worship team serves the church by leading worship expressed through songs. Singing isn’t the only way we worship, but on Sunday morning we sing to help us remember the truths we believe about God and to prayerfully connect to him through the lyrics. Each volunteer on the worship team offers their gifting to sing or play an instrument on Sunday morning services. 

If you are interested in serving on this team, please contact Kalinda Theobold.


During a Sunday morning, there are many things that go on behind the scenes that help produce a service and allow people to connect with Jesus without distraction. There are 3 positions for production. A media tech who controls the visual displays, media, and lights, A sound tech who controls the sound board, and a livestream tech who controls our livestream. 

If you are interested in serving on this team, please contact Kalinda Theobold.


Our Connect Ministry serves on Sundays by greeting everyone who walks through the doors, helping serve cookies and coffee, providing information for those with questions and helping people to their seats.

If you are interested in serving on a team, please contact Chad Gouin.


Every Sunday morning Servant Leaders serve by teaching, discipling and coming along parents to raise a generation that loves Jesus!  There are so many ways to give your time in this area, from loving on infants to singing fun songs and check-in. There is a place for you to serve in ROL Kids.

Leaders in this ministry need a background check.

If you are interested in serving in this area, please contact Jeani Kell

Click here to fill out an application.


Teenagers need a safe place to be real about what they believe. They also need other adults in addition to their parents who want to speak truth and show the Gospel through their lives. Volunteers on the student ministry team have fun, hang out with students at youth group, teach, lead discussion groups and show students a passion for God. 

Leaders in this ministry need a background check. 

If you are interested in serving in this area, please contact youth@riveroflifegj.com

JOurney groups

Journey Groups are a way to get further connected into a community at ROL. Every group meets on different days and times. We are looking for people who have a heart to lead by bringing a group together for this time of fellowship with each other as well as growing their faith with one another.

If you would like to know more about leading a group, please contact Chad Gouin

Men's ministry

The purpose of this ministry is to help men grow in their walk with Christ, their role within family as

husbands and fathers and in their relationship with other men. A foundation of Men’s Ministry is built on relationships which help to build accountability and trust. This happens through Bible Studies, mentoring, discipleship and praying for one another.

If you would like to serve in Men's Ministry, please contact Jim Gunlock


Women's Ministry

Womens Ministry is a hub of

leadership providing vision, resources, and support to women’s events, study groups, and retreats. Our mission statement may ring a bell: “Our mission is to join God in His mission of reconciling women to God.” In short, our purpose is Discipleship. Our hope is that through teaching on a larger scale, women will be emboldened to

support each other through their own testimonies of God’s grace.

If you would like to serve in Women's Ministry, please contact Lori McClung


TAGG (Seniors)

The Above Ground Group (TAGG) began this as an opportunity for fellowship among mature adults who enjoy the luxury of being available during the day.  The central activity is a monthly potluck lunch at ROL.  It is intended to be an incubator for finding friends and enjoying a variety of activities. 

If you would like to serve with TAGG, please contact Bonnie Collins


It is our goal to keep Alliance missions work and the work of our partner organizations in front of the congregation in a way that allows them to participate in missions in some way.  We do this by arranging missionaries to visit ROL, praying and keeping in touch, putting on at least one Mission’s event each year, and highlighting what God is doing around the world.  We would love additional people on our team.  We meet once a month on the 2nd Monday of the month, and have a few extra events throughout the year.

If you would like to get involved with Missions, please contact Laurajean Downs



Since the earliest days of the church believers have been blessed to share all things together; to share in each other’s joys and meet each other’s needs. The meal ministry seeks serve our ROL family through the provision of meals, whether to welcome a new baby or come alongside someone experiencing a health challenge. Team members provide meals either through receiving a meal train invitation and signing up for a convenient date or by making freezer meals.

If you would like to serve in this way, please contact Margo Seagren


The security team exists to ensure the safe and secure operations of the church and to oversee the safety of its members and property. The security team is responsible to assist the body by providing an orderly control of traffic, crowd management, facility safety inspections, security services, oversight for services and events, oversight for the pastoral staff or itinerant guests, assisting with on-site emergencies, and assisting local agencies and first responders in bringing a safe and and orderly resolution to critical incidents.

If you would like to join the security team, please contact Bob Minning

Outreach Ministry

River of Life strives to show love to the Grand Valley.  One way that we do this is by being present in the community through Outreach. We participate in events and partner with other  churches to serve a much

larger community.  These events allow us to show a “no strings attached” type of love that is rare. Through consistent and new

outreach events we begin to build relationships that turn to discipleship.

If you would like to serve with our Outreach Ministry, please contact Chad Gouin.

Special Events

ROL has many annual events that we love to put on! From outreaches to an all church gathering, these events can’t be done without the help of a special events team!

If you would like to join the special events team, please contact Julie Ficken


We are looking to expand our building team here at ROL! This would include repairs and maintenance inside and out on the building. The grounds team keeps our lawn and plants looking beautiful. The tasks in this ministry are mowing, shoveling snow and general gardening.

If you would like to serve in one of these ways, please contact Julie Ficken

Prayer Chain

Prayer is often the thing we do before or after ministry. However, prayer is the work of the ministry. We need prayer like we need air. Volunteers for the prayer team get emails as part of the prayer chain, pray over services on Sunday morning and are always looking to join prayer into the corporate body of River of Life.

If you would like to be added to the prayer chain, please contact Julie Ficken.